Do you have a project coming up that needs a new album? Look at these gorgeous choices you now have with Close To My Heart.
CTMH Canvas Coated albums are a safe home for your photos
Some key points:
Albums display your beautiful pages and protect your photos.
You have a choice of three colours/patterns: Lagoon Chevron, Ruby floral and black
All colours and patterns are available in post-bound and D-ring
The fabric covers are coated to allow for durability and they can easily be wiped clean with a damp cloth
The album structure has been reinforced for durability (CTMH have NEVER had an album as strong as these)
Fits CTMH memory protectors perfectly (and others will fit in them as well)
You can fit 30-40 pages in an album depending on how thick your layouts are
Will you choose Post bound or D-Ring?
This depends on the purpose of your album, whether you are scrapbooking or using pocket pages and which you like the look of best. Changing from the Strap load albums I've used for years has been easier than I thought it would be. Here are some of the factors to consider when making your choice.
easily insert pages using the1 1/2inch ring which is very strong and will hold pages in tightly,
Pages lay flat when album is open
Pages are easily re-sequenced
Ideal as a 'Work in progress' album
Great for those of you who are random scrappers - not always working in one album. You can keep pages safe in the D-ring until you have enough to transfer to a completed album
This is the album to use with pocket style pages and Picture my Life cards
Ideal for quick projects and photo archives
Can be used with top load and side load protectors
Pages lay flat when album is open
Spacers can be used between pages with raised embellishments so album sits square when closed
Pages are extremely secure once in
Posts unscrew easily,
Magnet closure flap over the posts conceals the albums inner workings
Which style will you choose? Click here to watch a video which may help you decide.
Visit to place your order.
Take advantage of this great offer this month. Your full and half price albums can be the same style and colour or different - why not try one of each?
As an added bonus this month only, I will refund you $5 towards your postage on online orders of $50 or more and $9.50 on orders of $100 or more. Click here to begin shopping.
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