Well, it only took 14 years but I finally have a dedicated storage system for all my shop supplies and my artwork for future classes. I am soooo happy with it!
My gorgeous hubby put all the pieces together for me.
The system came from Ikea and is a combination of different size 'cubby hole' units. I was thrilled to discover I could add a door or drawers to any spot I desired.
My drawers hold Bling & Embellishments, Flip Flaps, Ribbons & Shimmer Trim, Adhesives, Blocks and Cleaners, Pens and Smal…
I was in my PJ's early last night, getting reading for a night at the scrapbook table when the doorbell rang. It was my Upline, Louinna Hundley, with a special delivery for me! She and Susan Wilmot, my Presidential Director, had awarded me this gift as a reward for helping other consultants in their businesses during 2014. I was soooo excited to receive the brand new organiser.
The rolling tote came flat packed and was so easy to put assemble. Click this video link to see how it comes togethe…
It doesn't matter how big or small your table is - when you are creating with paper you tend to cover the entire surface with papers, tools, adhesives, bling, stamps, inks and, in my case, cats. I have found one way to keep a lot of the items I'm using off the surface of the table. This means they don't get buried by other items on the table and saves me time.
A recipe Book stand is perfect for keeping your CTMH Ideas book and How To books in front of you. It is easy to follow the instructions…